Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Making Money Online

For the last five years or so I've bought into some of the online money makers. Typically only bought into the cheap ones, you know, "get all this for only $7.95" and so on. I couldn't let myself pay for anything more, but thought with all my internet "knowledge" I wouldn't need to pay for those high end plans for making money online. Who knows, maybe if I did, I'd be rolling in the dough, as it were. Instead, I still find myself wondering how anyone ever makes money online? I've tried around fifteen different products, been temped by others, read about how other people do it and still, I have no idea. Perhaps I do need to buy the high end plans. Or maybe I can find a way to make money Tweeting (is that the right lingo?). Hell, if I can't even get the right lingo right, what makes me think that I can make money online? One thing I have come to realize is if these online plans start you out cheap, you can rest assured that there will be more fees if you wish to keep going. Why do we look for these online money makers? Right, to make money. Then please, someone tell me where to begin, because I don't even want to start counting up the amount of cash I've wasted on these piddly plans to make money and before I invest a larger amount of money to make the money, I want to know that my efforts will be rewarded. So bring it on Mr. I Make Money Online and You Don't. Tell me it's possible or tell me to keep looking for a real job.

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